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Terms & Conditions

Protecting Your Business and Customers

At Rage&Rave, we take the safety and security of our customers seriously. Our Terms & Conditions (“T&C”) define the legal boundaries governing the activities of our website visitors and customers while they engage with our website. By using our website, you are agreeing to abide by these rules and regulations. Our T&C are meant to establish the legal relationship between our site visitors and us as the website owner. 
Our T&C document is designed to protect both our business and customers. It sets out the terms and conditions of sale, payment, delivery, and return of goods purchased on our website. It also outlines our policies on privacy, security, and intellectual property rights. By using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 
To learn more about our T&C, please read our full Terms & Conditions document.

Terms & Conditions - the basics

Our T&C are a set of legally binding terms defined by us, as the owner of this website. They are meant to establish the legal relationship between our site visitors and us as the website owner. 
Our T&C should be defined according to the specific needs and nature of our website. For example, as an online store, our T&C differ from those of a website providing only information.     
T&C provide us as the website owner with the ability to protect ourselves and our customers from potential legal exposure. By defining the rules and regulations governing the use of our website, we are able to ensure that our customers have a safe and secure shopping experience.

What to include in the T&C document

Our T&C cover a range of issues to ensure the safety and security of our customers. They address who is allowed to use our website, payment methods, delivery and return policies, warranties, intellectual property rights, and our right to suspend or cancel a member's account, among other things. By using our website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 
To learn more about our T&C, please read our full Terms & Conditions document.

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